How Are You Going to Bring Comfort to Life?

Welcome! My name is Alecia Rose. When I created Penned by Rose, I was hoping to bring enlightenment to this confusing life we live in. I decided that I would talk about a different topic every month like peace, love, change, mental health, and confidence. I hope that we can give you some tools and bring comfort to life.

When I first decided to start, I came up with the idea that Penned by Rose would focus on people first and foremost. Because of that, I interview at least one person a month and ask them about their opinion about the subject we are on.

Follow this blog to see an upcoming look and much more!

One thing that I like to draw from my experiences is mental health. Ever since I was little, I have been dealing with anxiety and depression. While I don’t like that I have dealt with my illnesses for so long, I know that what I know about it can help people.

I do want to remind you that I am still learning. I am currently in my 20s which means that I don’t know everything. While some things may bring comfort to you, other things may not. This blog isn’t about all about changing yourself but is mostly about learning. That learning can be anything about realizing something about yourself or can be improving on what we know.

I hope that as we learn and grow together we can become happier. When we help each other, we can become better and bring comfort to life. I love everyone that I meet and try to understand that our experiences can make us better.

Start learning by checking out some of our past topics such as love. During that month, I defined what I thought love was and how I have seen it in my life.

Also, try checking out ‘hope‘. I learned more about what the world has seen hope as in my post, “Now You Can Have Hope“.

Finally, Check out the interviews. I have spoken with so many people and each and every one of them inspires me so much.